Life Story

My Life Story

Living Life with Flat Stanley

     My name is Flat Stanley and I am a guy who loves adventure.  My life is so exciting,  packed full of activity, with places to go and people to see.  Right now, I live in a place called Birmingham, Alabama.  It was in this state where my life had changed forever.  You may be wondering how I became so flat?  Here is the real story of how I became so thin.  It happened one day on one of my many adventures, when I was riding my bike in my driveway.  I was just minding my own business when a steam roller came by and not only flattened my bike, but flattened me too!  I know that it seems impossible for something like this to happen, but it did to me and that is all I know.  Don't feel sad for me though, because I actually like being flat!  I feel like I can go anywhere at any time and fit into any small, flat place!  This is what makes my life so fascinating and full of adventure because I am light weight and very small.  I have taken time to blog to you some of my adventures because I know you would want to live my life too!  Ok, so now you have the real story and I want you to  know that one day real soon, I will become a real boy again! 

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